HealthVerity Blog

Powering the next generation of audience targeting, activation and measurement

Written by HealthVerity | Sep 27, 2024 11:00:00 AM

The one constant in healthcare marketing is change, particularly in four key areas:

  • Evolving technology - First cookies were going away, now they’re not, but with alternative IDs popping up all over the place, it is still something that needs attention.

  • Data evolution and fragmentation - New data sources are also popping up everywhere, but they’re fragmented and need to be synchronized while managing security and operational challenges.

  • Privacy and security regulations - Privacy and security regulations are continually evolving and they vary by state. Washington is rolling out the My Health My Data Act that imposes new notice and consent requirements, California has their Consumer Privacy Act, and as of July of this year, 19 states have their own suppressions. This is up from 13 states only a few months ago. All of this is in addition to HIPAA. 

  • Advanced analytics - There is increasing pressure to improve campaign efficiency and incorporate advanced analytics to optimize performance and get the maximum value for the money being spent.  

How we respond to this change is critical, but the biggest challenge is how we can respond appropriately when the digital ecosystem lives in a black box, without the transparency to see where the data is coming from or understand the methodologies, and without the flexibility we need to meet these changes.

HealthVerity and Throtle recently hosted a webinar to discuss a solution that meets these challenges by giving unfettered access to the data you need, with greater transparency and flexibility. If you missed the webinar, here’s a recap.


End-to-end solution

Up until now, pharmaceutical companies have been limited to pre-assembled or black box audiences that provide a limited view into what sources make up that data and where it comes from. Another option would be to assemble your own cohort, bringing together both consumer and healthcare data, but that requires a lot of resources and can take up to six months to get the proper privacy certifications. Also, by the time the data has been culled to meet privacy standards, your insights could be greatly limited. 

HealthVerity Audience Manager breaks down these barriers, enabling deeper analysis and unlocking a better understanding of the patient to create custom segments that offer higher engagement and deeper learning. Audience Manager provides a patent-pending analytics environment where healthcare data and social determinants of health (SDOH) can be synchronized for analysis while maintaining HIPAA and other privacy regulations.

This state-of-the-art analytics environment allows you to bring first and third-party healthcare datasets, as well as the Throtle consumer and healthcare provider (HCP) graph into the HealthVerity cleanroom where you can perform fit-for-purpose analytics using a variety of different models that support your use cases, while remaining HIPAA compliant. 

This offers a much better alternative to off-the-shelf targeting segments, providing a variety of different fields not often accessible, such as income, spending, activity, shopping behaviors and hobbies. This more expansive view, with hundreds of insights, reveals hidden segmentations and enables a deeper understanding of who the patient is to drive behavior and adherence. It also identifies media consumption propensities to inform campaign planning and strategy.


Comprehensive consumer and HCP data

By partnering with Throtle, Audience Manager offers access to their extensive consumer and HCP graph that was purposely built at the individual level with accurate matching needed for healthcare utilization. The graph includes over 250 million consumers and more than 3.6 million HCPs, with over 200 data attributes and 1.6 billion emails. It also includes more than 850 million MAIDs, UIDs and cookie pulls. Additionally, there is offline data that is recreated and updated on a monthly basis. 


High-performance healthcare data

Audience Manager also offers access to the nation’s largest healthcare data ecosystem from HealthVerity. Leveraging what we refer to as the IPGE approach, HealthVerity utilizes unparalleled Identity management to resolve patient identity over time and across sources, with built-in Privacy compliance and Governance of data usage rights and permissions to enable the discovery and Exchange of a near limitless combination of data. This includes both open claims from clearinghouses and closed payer claims, lab results, electronic medical records, hospital chargemaster data, and more. 

All of this healthcare data can be seamlessly synchronized with consumer and HCP data from Throtle and can be leveraged in Audience Manager to power infinite analytics and run numerous statistical models applicable for your specific use cases in a high-performance architecture. 


Meaningful media measurement

Once you’ve leveraged these insights to activate your target audience with a personalized campaign, you need to be able to measure the results and make adjustments as needed to optimize your advertising spend.

Using the same identity resolution technology that allows us to accurately match patient records over time and across sources, we de-identify digital and television interactions and accurately synchronize that information with healthcare data to provide insights into actual patient behavior, from interacting with your website to going to the doctor and filling a prescription. 

Combining impression data from Throtle and healthcare data from HealthVerity, with the ability to run your own analytics, powers a deeper attribution analysis to understand cause and effect for an individual campaign — what creative and channel or mix of channels drove the ideal outcome. Because we receive daily data feeds, this can be done in a timely manner with much faster and more robust results than have been typical in the past. This offers the opportunity to learn how campaigns are performing in real time so you can optimize outcomes and drive next-best actions.


Maximize return on advertising spend

By synchronizing healthcare and consumer assets, you are able to get a much deeper view into who the patient is and target cohorts in a HIPAA and privacy-compliant manner, leveraging an environment that is safe to perform fit-for-purpose analytics and extract learnings that allow:

  • Informed strategy
  • Audience segmentation and creation and precision targeting
  • Differentiation of targeting models from competitors
  • Building and enhancing of lookalike models over time
  • Insights at the brand, franchise and enterprise view
  • Personalized content creation
  • Seamless onboarding and activation
  • Tracking of cohort behavior to learn the patient journey
  • Measuring and attribution of media impact on patient outcomes

This closed loop solution allows you to create cohorts that have a higher propensity to convert, which leads to better outcomes.